Salon Zen : a state of mind
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Salon Zen 2022
For 35 years, the Zen Salon has positioned itself as a place of exchange on the major issues of society around personal fulfillment and the quest for meaning. As an initiator of encounters and experiences, the Zen salon has always been able to highlight various methods and practices, both ancestral and innovative, which find an echo in today's world.
The 2022 theme : paths to the essential
Refocusing on the essentials, finding a healthy balance at all levels (diet, body practices...) is to optimize your health, your well-being and your personal development. Surrounded by professionals (lecturers or exhibitors), the Salon Zen offers methods and products that act at different levels on the different factors of our well-being.
120 whorshops
15 conferences
5 days
28 000 attendes
250 exhibitors
It happened at our place !
It happened at our place !