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CNIT Forest

Varied, modular and technologically advanced spaces
Easy to access
Underground forest In the heart of the defence

Access to CNIT Forest

2 Place de la Défense, 92092 Puteaux

    • Car
  • As part of its CSR commitment, Viparis encourages and promotes sustainable travel.

    Here you will find the public transport options that we recommend for accessing CNIT Forest:

    METRO Line 1, La Défense – Grande Arche - exit 4 - Parvis Esplanade

    RER Line A and E, La Défense – Grande Arche - exit 4 - Parvis Esplanade

    TRAMWAY Line T2, La Défense – Grande Arche 

    TRANSILIEN lines L and U, La Défense – Grande Arche

    BUS Lines 141 / 144 / 159 / 246 / 272 / 275 / 378 / 262 / 161 / 174 / 360 / 160 / 258 / 541 / 73

    Download the access maps